Two core processors, minimum of 4GB of RAM, and enabling of virtualization technology from the PC’s BIOS are the must-have requirements before installing the Logic Pro using VMware. Method 3: Download Logic Pro X for Windows using VMware? Now you have the macOS installed on your Windows hardware, install and start working on Logic Pro X.After its properly installed, Multibeast is to be launched and settings configured.The installer boot menu will appear, select the boot disk of macOS, and it will be booted on your PC. Restart the PC once the installation is done.Follow each step properly as the directions suggest after selecting the drive and the macOS will begin installing.In case of no options, erase the drive and format it to GUID. Select the drive you want to download the macOS on.Search and select ‘External’ and the macOS will start. While installing, the option to choose the drive you want to download the macOS form will appear. Use the installer and install the macOS on the PC.Steps to properly creating an installer are accessible across the internet, which can act as your guide in creating one. Select a USB Drive, at least 8GB, to put on the installer.You choose software like Unibeast, which is a highly known installer creation tool. First, find a Mac to download OS Installer from the Mac app store.Some individuals make custom PCs to download Logic Pro X using Hackintosh while others find compatible PCs and install macOS on them. Method 2: How to Install Logic Pro X using the Hackintosh Method Now that you know how to download Logic Pro X for Windows PC using BlueStacks, you can go ahead and start using this amazing app on your computer.Once the installation is completed, launch Logic Pro X from within BlueStacks and start using it on your Windows PC.Now click on the install button to start downloading the app.Once installed, launch BlueStacks and search for Logic Pro X in the Search Box.First, download and install BlueStacks on your Windows PC.Method 1: Download Logic Pro X for Windows PC using BlueStacks The article now turns to the method of downloading the app. With all the super-efficient features of Apple software and the hardware features of Windows like the USB ports, you can create wonderful music with the app. Logic Pro X app on windows will allow you to access the lucrative features that the app offers without having to invest in buying an Apple device which is costly.Īlong the same line, in addition to being costly, the recent releases by Apple have not done justice to music producers leaving out a void that accommodating the Logic Pro X to a Windows PC, can fill. Why would you want to use Logic Pro X on windows?